Results for 'Germán Cardozo Galué'

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  1.  35
    Reseña" Maracaibo en la Independencia: José Domingo Rus" de Zulimar Maldonado.Germán Cardozo Galué - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (2).
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    Reseña" Colectivos Sociales y Participación Popular en la Independencia Hispanoamericana".Germán Cardozo Galué & Arlene Urdaneta Quintero - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8 (1):137-138.
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    Selected Writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo.Benjamin Nathan Cardozo & Margaret E. Hall - 1967 - Fallon Publications.
  4. Selected Writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo the Choice of Tycho Brahe, Including Also the Complete Texts of Nature of the Judicial Process, Growth of the Law, Paradoxes of Legal Science, Law and Literature.Benjamin N. Cardozo & Margaret E. Hall - 1979 - Matthew Bender.
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    Jewish law as rebellion: a plea for religious authenticity and halachic courage.Lopes Cardozo & T. Nathan - 2018 - New York: Urim Publications.
    Jewish Law as Rebellion is unconventional and controversial in its approach to the world of Jewish Law and its response to religious crises. The book delves into the contemporary application and development of halacha and pointedly protests many accepted methods and ideals, offering new solutions to existing halachic dilemmas. Rabbi Cardozo discusses hot topics such as same-sex marriage, conversion, and religion in the State of Israel and presents a critical analysis and explanation of the application of halacha.
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    The Growth of the Law.Benjamin N. Cardozo & Arthur L. Corbin - 1954 - Yale University Press.
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    Breves consideraciones acerca del concepto de escritura en la propuesta post-estructuralista de Jaques Derrida: Aportes sobre algunos problemas del lenguaje.Cristian Cardozo - 2010 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 1.
    Breves consideraciones acerca del concepto de escritura en la propuesta post-estructuralista de Jaques Derrida: Aportes sobre algunos problemas del lenguaje.
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  8. Las paradojas lógicas y la teoría de la predicación.Dennis Cardozo Biritos - 1976 - Mendoza, Argentina: Instituto de Ciencias Políticas.
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  9. Lógica y ser.Dennis Cardozo Biritos - 1982 - Mendoza, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Departamento de Ciencias Políticas.
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    La duda cartesiana como síntoma de la modernidad según Hannah Arendt.Katiuska Reyes Galué - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (35):83-90.
    This work analyzes Cartesian doubt as a fundamental element describing the human attitude in modernity from the philosophical field, based on the criteria of Hannah Arendt. Arendt explains that the growth of doubt and science, introspection and the loss of common sense were simultaneous, as well..
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  11. Análisis arendtiano de la modernidad.Katiuska Reyes Galué - 2006 - [Maracaibo, Venezuela]: Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta.
  12. (1 other version)A natureza do processo e A evolução do direito.Benjamin N. Cardozo - 1943 - São Paulo [etc.]: Companhia editora nacional. Edited by Leda Rodrigues.
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  13.  13
    Métodos y técnicas empleados en investigaciones teológicas latinoamericanas publicadas entre 2018 y 2020.Juan Felipe Cardozo & Jonathan Andrés Rúa Penagos - 2022 - Perseitas 11:1-32.
    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar cuantitativamente los métodos y técnicas de la investigación teológica en países latinoamericanos de habla hispana, entre 2018 y 2020, para el fomento de herramientas que favorezcan estudios en el área. El estudio fue cuantitativo, positivista y descriptivo, examinando el Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) 2018, revisando, además, artículos publicados entre 2018 y 2020, nueve publicaciones de universidades que ofrecen el programa Teología, trabajos de grado y tesis en repositorios digitales. Para un total (...)
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  14. The paradoxes of legal sciences.Benjamin Nathan Cardozo - 1928 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
    Introduction. Rest and motion. Stability and progress.--The meaning of justice. The science of values.--The equilibration of interests. Cause and effect. The individual and society. Liberty and government.--Liberty and government. Conclusion.
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    Apuntes fenomenológicos sobre el ser (el ser-en-sí, el ser-para-sí) y su relación con la conciencia en la filosofía de Sartre.Arturo Cardozo - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 43 (126).
    En sus primeros escritos fenomenológicos, Jean-Paul Sartre sostiene la tesis de que la conciencia es exterioridad pura, es decir, no existe interioridad en la conciencia que pudiese albergar instancias metafísicas, como lo podría ser el yo, el cogito, el inconsciente, etc. Ya para El ser y la nada, el filósofo francés mantendrá dicha tesis, profundizándola y estableciendo un diálogo con su teoría del ser. En esta medida, el artículo se propone explorar tal relación, para conocer el lugar que ocupa la (...)
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    Diálogos de Saberes Na Promoção da Saúde e Prevenção de Agravos Relacionados À Covid-19.Najla de Oliveira Cardozo & Barbara Cassetari Sugizaki - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):34-55.
    This study attempted to reflect on health promotion and prevention using diferente types of knowledge, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We carried a bibliography review based on scientific evidence and traditional knowledge from a multisystemic health perspective. It included nutritional aspects, physical activity, and integrality of health care in a holistic approach, transcending scientifically produced understanding for the discussion of traditional knowledge and other cultural elements of extreme importance. Because of the accumulated information in health and nutrition, a (...)
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  17.  9
    Filosofía y conocimiento.Dennis Cardozo Biritos - 1972 - Mendoza, Argentina,: Instituto de Ciencias Políticas.
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  18.  24
    La construcción de los espacios de performance en la oda 13 de baquílides.Pablo Alejandro Cardozo - 2022 - Argos 45:e0026.
    En este trabajo se analizará la Oda 13 de Baquílides prestando atención a la relación entre el yo poético y la audiencia de la isla de Egina. Se hará foco en una noción de espacio en la que confluya la configuración de los espacios metafóricos en interacción y tensión con el espacio literal de la performance. Se entiende que el poeta lleva a cabo la construcción y configuración de un espacio ritual reconocible para la audiencia y esto marca el inicio (...)
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  19. Comments.Michael H. Cardozo - 1964 - In Sidney Hook (ed.), Law and philosophy. [New York]: New York University Press.
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  20. La OEA y la democracia en el siglo XXI.Elsa Cardozo - 2010 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (36).
    Estas páginas examinan la naturaleza del desafío presente a las democracias latinoamericanas desde la perspectiva de relevantes compromisos democráticos hemisféricos. A la luz de tales compromisos, la reciente crisis política hondureña puede ser considerada una grave regresión: no simplemente por la intervención militar en el derrocamiento de José Manuel Zelaya, sino por el abandono del concepto de que la democracia es un derecho humano y es deber de los gobiernos preservarla y defenderla. Palabras clave: OEA; Carta Democrática Interamericana; Perú; Venezuela; (...)
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  21. La OEA y la democracia del siglo XXI.Elsa Cardozo Da Silva - 2010 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (36):169-192.
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  22.  20
    Paradoxes of Legal Science.Benjamin Cardozo - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (1):74-78.
  23.  7
    La razón como alternativa histórica.Juan Andrés Cardozo - 1984 - Asunción, Paraguay: El Lector.
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  24. Selected Writings.Benjamin N. Cardozo & Margaret E. Hall - 1947 - Fallon Publications.
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    The Growth of the Law.Benjamin N. Cardozo & Ganson Goodyear Depew Memorial Fund - 1954 - Yale University Press.
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    Emergencia y naturaleza del pensamiento filosófico en Bolivia: una crítica a la tesis de Guillermo Francovich.Jaime Cardozo Larrea - 2017 - [Bolivia]: [Publisher Not Identified].
  27.  69
    Visual enhancement of touch and the bodily self.M. Longo, S. Cardozo & P. Haggard - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1181-1191.
    We experience our own body through both touch and vision. We further see that others’ bodies are similar to our own body, but we have no direct experience of touch on others’ bodies. Therefore, relations between vision and touch are important for the sense of self and for mental representation of one’s own body. For example, seeing the hand improves tactile acuity on the hand, compared to seeing a non-hand object. While several studies have demonstrated this visual enhancement of touch (...)
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  28.  25
    L’imaginaire and the Sartrean discovery.Arturo Alberto Cardozo Beltran - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 67:149-165.
    From the first books published by Jean-Paul Sartre, it is possible to observe the criticism that the French author makes to the Western metaphysical tradition, directed specifically at philosophers of modernity. For example, L'imagination and L'Imaginaire are two texts dedicated to questioning “the great metaphysical systems”. Furthermore, in these early investigations, Sartre discovers a principle that would allow him to elabo- rate his work Being and nothingness. What is this principle? The main objective of this essay is to determine this (...)
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  29.  27
    Inspirational Preface: Hynes vs. N.Y. Central RR.J. Cardozo - 1989 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 1 (1):II-II.
  30.  11
    Hermenêutica e desconstrução: a conciliação de Paul Ricoeur e a aporia de Jacques Derrida.Carlos Cardozo Coelho - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e31264.
    Este artigo pretende apresentar a diferença entre a hermenêutica e a desconstrução e mostrar a implicação de cada uma destas formas de entender o fenômeno do sentido na relação da filosofia com as outras “disciplinas” do pensamento. Para isso colocaremos dois pensadores em embate direto, a saber, Jacques Derrida e Paul Ricoeur. Enquanto Paul Ricoeur, com seu projeto hermenêutico, tenta encontrar uma conciliação entre os diversos saberes das ciências humanas com a metafísica, em uma época em que o estruturalismo e (...)
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  31.  6
    Como evangelio y método de movimiento de masas. Las raíces del marxismo «heterodoxo» de Mariátegui.David Cardozo Santiago - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):345-353.
    El presente artículo se proyecta como una aportación a las nuevas lecturas latinoamericanas de Mariátegui y, en particular, tiene la aspiración de reivindicar el carácter «heterodoxo» del marxismo del pensador peruano mediante un ejercicio de rastreo de algunas de sus raíces teóricas —y vitales— fundamentales: el marxismo italiano del primer lustro de la década de 1920; el agonismo espiritual de Unamuno; la reacción contra las interpretaciones economicistas y positivistas de fines del XIX y principios del XX y, finalmente, la asunción (...)
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  32.  31
    Principles of the German Medical Association concerning terminal medical care.German Medical Association - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (2):254-58.
  33.  9
    Por outra escrita filosófica: metafísica, poesia e excrita – a partir de Jean-Luc Nancy.Carlos Cardozo Coelho - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):362-374.
    Neste artigo, apresentamos a necessidade de se repensar o estilo de escrita da Filosofia a partir de uma mudança de paradigma conceitual. O que importa à Filosofia e à “forma tratado de ontologia” é encontrar uma forma de dizer a Verdade, de dizer aquilo que é invariável. Ao encontrar esta forma, busca-se criar uma hierarquia de estilos, começando por aquele que diz a Verdade que, de fato, seria a única forma de escrever sobre o Ser e a existência, indo até (...)
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    A influência das habilidades sociais no envolvimento de mães e pais com filhos com retardo mental.Alcides Cardozo & Adriana Benevides Soares - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:39-53.
    O estudo teve como objetivo comparar e correlacionar indicadores de habilidades sociais e do envolvimento de pais com filhos portadores de retardo mental. Participaram 27 casais com filhos portadores de retardo mental. Os pais responderam os questionários "Critério Brasil", "Qualidade da interação f..
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  35. Historia económica de América Latina, Tomo 1, Sistemas agrarios e historia colonial.C. Cardozo & N. Perez Brignoli - forthcoming - Critica.
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    Homer’s The Odyssey: education as Phaeacian (hospitable) or as Laestrygonian (hostile).Alexandre Guilherme & Artur Magoga Cardozo - 2025 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 59 (1):165-183.
    The issue of hospitality in education has become prominent in the philosophy of education, with various articles and books being published recently. This is so for a number of reasons, such as the necessity to harbour and include immigrants and refugees in our schools and education systems, the rising levels of violence being experienced by individuals in school communities, and the importance of establishing dialogical relations between teacher and students and between students. In this article, we discuss the concept of (...)
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    Colombian Foreign Policy and Public Opinion in Electoral Campaigns.Fabio Sánchez & Alejandro Cardozo - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    What is the relationship between foreign policy, electoral campaigns, and public opinion? This work analyzes the electoral campaigns in Colombia in 2018 (Iván Duque) and 2022 (Gustavo Petro). The profiles of the candidates and their programmatic agendas are analyzed, identifying the continuity of issues associated with peace, security, borders, and the complex relationship with Venezuela. Despite the above, there was a turn to the left that shows changes in the preferences of Colombian public opinion.
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    Atualização sobre transtorno e déficit de atenção/hiperatividade e medicalização nas escolas municipais do ensino fundamental de Maringá.Lucia Yulico Ishii Sato, Luiza Fernandes Cardozo, Veridiana Catelan Mainardes & Sandra Cristina Catelan- Mainardes - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (2):15-24.
    O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento e representa uma preocupação significativa, principalmente, em crianças em idade escolar. Esta pesquisa busca fornecer atualizações sobre a medicalização e o TDAH presentes na realidade escolar do ensino fundamental da cidade de Maringá-PR. Para isso, utilizou-se um questionário semiestruturado em 8 Instituições de Ensino Básico, distribuídas em 4 regiões da cidade, no período de 2015 a 2016. A amostra contou com 2.367 estudantes de 6 a 10 (...)
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    El cuerpo dormido: entre la vigilia y los estados oníricos.José Hoover Vanegas Garcia, Mary Orrego Cardozo, Jose Armando Vidarte Claros & Francia Restrepo De Mejía - 2021 - Revista Filosofía Uis 21 (1):153-176.
    En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la revisión de más de sesenta documetos sobre los estados oníricos en relación con la vigilia. En el texto se desarrollan tres puntos: primero, el surgimiento de las reflexiones sobre el estado onírico y sus connotaciones mitológicas, además de algunos datos filosóficos de la antigua Grecia. Segundo, se desarrolla una tematización del fenómeno de sueño o dormir, en la reflexión de la modernidad. Tercero, se elabora una aproximación a una fenomenología del dormir, (...)
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  40.  13
    Dependência e Resistência.Daniel Cardozo Severo - 2022 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 13 (26):69-78.
    O presente trabalho pretende apresentar mais uma das faces destrutivas (pulsão de morte) que vivemos na pandemia. Além do negacionismo, que estabelece uma relação específica com o conhecimento (ou vínculo ou elo do conhecimento, K) pautado na arrogância, leituras grupais ampliam essa visão. Elas nos permitem perceber outros vínculos importantes e o modo como determinadas lideranças chegam ao poder devido à conexão que estabelecem com os indivíduos – ou seus eleitores. Bion (1961/1975) nos instrumentaliza a essa leitura com suas experiências (...)
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  41.  33
    Immigrants and Refugees: The Jewish Mitzvah of Hospitality and Its Implications for the Field of Education.Alexandre Guilherme & Artur Magoga Cardozo - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (5):481-500.
    The recent war in Europe, the Ukraine–Russia war, has had a huge impact in the lives of millions of people in the European continent—in the lives of both those who have fled the conflict and of those who have welcomed them with open arms. In this paper, we conduct a philosophical investigation into the issue of hospitality to others, to strangers, to foreigners trying to understand this phenomenon taking place in Europe, and elsewhere. First, we investigate the Jewish Mitzvah of (...)
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  42.  48
    A personalist approach to business ethics: New perspectives for virtue ethics and servant leadership.Germán Scalzo, Kleio Akrivou & Manuel Joaquín Fernández González - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S2):145-158.
    This article has a twofold purpose: first, it explores how Leonardo Polo's personalist anthropology enriches and enhances neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics and second, it highlights how this specific personalist approach brings new perspectives to servant leadership. The recently revived neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics tradition finds that MacIntyre's scholarship significantly contributes to virtue ethics in business—particularly his conception of practices, institutions, and internal/external goods. However, we argue that some of his latest insights about the virtues of acknowledged dependence and human vulnerability remain underdeveloped (...)
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  43.  22
    Ludwig Wittgenstein.German Melikhov - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (4):107-116.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophizing is deeply ontological, and can be defined as a reflexive gesture of keeping silent. The silence secured by reflexing is an essential part of a philosophy. A philosopher has to use language, but things that pass over in silence must influence things he or she says. The speech manifests not only in the spoken, but also in the unspoken. How is it possible? Through understanding a reflexive speech as an action or gesture of annihilation of speech. The (...)
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    On the Philosophy of Those Who Are Discordant with Themselves.German Melikhov - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (1):181-184.
    The article introduces an idea of practical philosophy, a philosophy which is aimed at changing a philosopher, not at developing philosophical knowledge. Philosophy is not another theory of being or knowledge, but a way of holding oneself in the state of being open. It is stated that this philosophy is based on differentiating the experience of the encounter and its conceptualization, that they are not equal. A philosophical concept not only points at the source of the philosophical thinking, but also (...)
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    On the Unrestraint in Beliefs.German V. Melikhov - 2014 - Dialogue and Universalism 24 (3):36-39.
    This article studies the unrestraint in beliefs associated with the overemphasizing of our beliefs. The author argues that the intolerance for other points of view appears (among other factors) because of a naively-objectivist understanding of philosophy, one which is based on two assumptions: first, philosophy is considered only as a theory and not an individual practice, not an experience, and second, the truth is considered as identical to a certain ideal-objective content that can be in one’s possession.There are true ideas (...)
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    Productive Misunderstanding.German Melikhov - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (2):231-245.
    The article focuses on understanding some of the self-evident premises of the philosophy of the 17th–19th centuries that make up the horizon of the Enlightenment. One of these premises is Immanuel Kant’s idea of independent thinking. Based on the analysis of the polemics of Kant and Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi about the “extrasensible abilities” of the reason, the question is raised about the possibility of understanding someone else’s concept based on other existential preferences. Answering this question, we distinguish between the concept (...)
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  47.  15
    V. Bibikhin’s practical phenomenology.German Melikhov - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (3):419-433.
    This article is devoted to understanding the worldview expressed in Vladimir Bibikhin’s Leo Tolstoy’s Diaries. The most important feature of this worldview is its practical nature: Bibikhin focuses on changing one’s view of things instead of trying to develop a doctrine. Practical phenomenology is extremely vulnerable to criticism because of its pre-philosophical nature. Therefore, at this stage, I try to explicate some of the features of this peculiar thought while avoiding trying to find its faults. I draw a connection between (...)
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  48. Delusions as 'wrong beliefs': A conceptual history.German E. Berrios - 1991 - British Journal of Psychiatry 159 (S14):6-13.
  49. Ravecca, Paulo. . The Politics of Political Science. Re-Writing Latin American Experiences. New York, Estados Unidos de América: Routledge. 275 p. [REVIEW]David Cardozo Santiago - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):251-256.
    “La política es la continuación de la guerra por otros medios.” Así rezaba la inversión del clásico aforismo de Clausewitz pronunciada por Michel Foucault en su curso del Collège de France 1975-1976 y ahondaba: “la política es la sanción y la prórroga del desequilibrio de fuerzas manifestado en la guerra”. Esta concepción agonística de la política es el suelo sobre el que se levanta The politics of political science. Re-Writing Latin American Experiences, de Paulo Ravecca, quien no duda en colocar (...)
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    Karl Milford inductivism in 19™ century German economics.Century German Economics - 2004 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Induction and Deduction in the Sciences. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 273.
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